Haomei Aluminum CO., LTD.

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          What Are Aluminum Foil Properties


          The excellent aluminum foil properties help it widely used in many fields. Aluminum foil protects against moisture, light, oxygen and bacteria, which is a key requirement in industries such as food and beverage and pharmaceuticals. Aluminum foil is mainly consumed by the food and beverage industry. In addition, aluminum foil has a reflectivity of 88% and is used for thermal insulation.

          Aluminum foil has high conductivity and can minimize the time and energy associated with food processing, refrigeration and reheating. Aluminum foil has good thermal stability. During the processing and packaging process, aluminum foil containers can withstand temperature changes well. The molecular structure is stable and does not change under the high and low temperatures of -20°C to 250°C.

          Aluminum foil container can be heated in a variety of ways, including using various ovens, anaerobic heating cabinets, steamers, steam boxes, microwave ovens (must be used in the light wave and grill settings), and pressure cookers to heat food packaged in aluminum foil.

          Aluminum foil's exceptionally light weight and ability to be combined with other materials benefit from its many properties. Minimal materials can be used to design high-performance packaging products. Flexible packaging using aluminum foil has a higher product-to-package ratio compared to rigid packaging, and can use less material space and less energy to transport.

          The surface of aluminum foil jumbo roll is very clean and hygienic. No microorganisms can grow on its surface. It can be in direct contact with food without any danger to human health. As an opaque packaging material, it has good protection for products exposed to sunlight, such as oily products, solid drinks, coffee, etc. It is a good packaging material. No matter at high temperature or low temperature, the aluminum foil will not be soaked.

          Thickness is one of the most basic and important physical properties of aluminum foil paper roll. The thickness of aluminum foil has a certain relationship with its barrier properties. As the thickness of aluminum foil increases, its transmittance to oxygen, water vapor, light, etc. gradually decreases, and accordingly its barrier properties become higher.

          In practical applications, the appropriate thickness of aluminum foil should be selected based on different contents and performance requirements. Otherwise, the expected barrier effect will not be achieved (too thin), or the cost will increase (too thick).

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